Saturday, April, 20.
We can't believe that today is our departure. There was lots to do as we packed up and cleaned out the guest house (all the team was wonderful in pitching in) and saying our goodbyes to the children. We can't quite imagine waking up tomorrow without them or without each other, but know that our ministry will continue on in various ways until we come another year.
We did have time to get a few pictures of the kids.
These two little guys seem to be comforting one another. We know how some of them must have very sad times if they have left some family behind.
Mostly we see LOTS of smiles! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Even during chores!
Some of the girls with the dolls that Phyllis Brandon and Kay Rutty made.
We got in a photo with Jorge, who is the child that St Luke's sponsors. This is now 4 years into the sponsorship and we have seen him grow so much and excel in school. We have a special place in our hearts for dear Jorge!
Erika got in a folk dance lesson with the kids and with teacher Heyser.
We love to hear the Marimba band and they entertained us in the last evening, getting us all up to dance.
They were really supposed to be taking out the garbage but decided to become "Transformers" to get the job done!
Our traditional group farewell photo in front of the El Hogar logo.
Matt, the Executive Director who lives out in Santa Lucia where the girls are located, came in to say goodbye and help by taking some of our luggage to the airport in his car.
The rest went on top of the van.
Always a few forms to fill out to get out of the country, but Raul was there to the end to make sure that we got through all the procedures and to the departure gate OK. He has been a wonderful friend and guide and we get a glimpse of Honduras through him and all our questions. We are thankful for him, keeping us safe and keeping us busy!
While at the airport, Jane and Janice had two opportunities to talk to strangers (Hondurans) who would be interested in volunteering and getting involved in the work of El Hogar. Let's hope that they follow through and indeed connect with El Hogar.
The travel day went well, and we had a 4 hour stopover in Atlanta to enjoy our last meal together. We said goodbye to Jane and Tom as they headed off to their flight back to Cincinnati.
As we waited for our last call to board the last leg of our journey, they called for volunteers to get off the overbooked plane and catch a flight in the morning getting $600 Delta dollars credit for doing so. Erika was the first to volunteer with Chris, Darla and Louise following. They arrived home, with luggage, on Sunday and with credit for next year's trip already!
As Janice, Ros and Lynn stood shivering after arriving back to Toronto, (minus1 temperatures) sometime after midnight waiting to load up our bags for the last time, we remembered last night - barely able to get to sleep with such hot humid weather!
Our week ended and we know that our lives will never be the same because of our experiences and because of the children. While the week was busy and hot and hard physical work, loads of emotion and loads of fun, we go to serve knowing that everything that is done at El Hogar either by us or any other Service Team makes a difference in the lives of these children.
"God hasn't called us to do great things, but to do small things with great love." - Mother Teresa