So much to think about. Flights and connections, transportation to the airport with all the luggage we will have. What to take - crafts, games and activities for the kids, collected items that are on the wish list for the schools, the beginning discussions and planning for our church service and presentation to the congregation when we get back. What to take as a small gift for our sponsored children..... Jorge has been sponsored by St Luke's for 4 years and it has been a joy see him grow and learn and mature. He has done so well in school and so we will miss him when we are on the campus in Tegucigalpa
as he has graduated to the Technical Institute where he will learn a trade and a skill. We will see him there..
Jorge is in the left of the picture. He has become a leader to younger Erick and to Moises
St Luke's has also sponsored Nelsin since we came back from our last trip in April. We look forward to meeting up with her again this year. Note the message she is giving us as written and drawn on her paper. (Be sure to click on all the pictures to get a larger version to view.) We have been so grateful for the support of the St Luke's parish who have been following our ministry in Honduras and have been involved in so many ways which includes being able to sponsor these children. Meaning that they will have a wonderful chance at a good life ahead of them. .
Besides all the details that we had to work on in our planning, we got in time for a picture and some Spanish practice. Missing from this team picture is Alan, Louise and Chris, as well as Lynn who comes from Kanata and will meet us when we fly out on the 22nd.
Some of the items on the wish list of needs for the schools, are jeans and socks. It is hard to keep 250 children in jeans and socks and so if you would like to help in providing these much needed items we are looking for jeans, both new & gently used, in sizes 6 to 14 for both boys & girls at the elementary school & in sizes 28 to 36 for the young men at the Technical Institute & Agricultural School. Socks of all sizes & colours for girls & boys are also requested. There is a box in the parish hall for the collection of any items you donate. We will pack up everything on Sunday, February 16th.
İMuchisimas gracias por su apoyo! Thank you very much for your help