Zoe, a Grade 12 student, joined us for a picture with our hairnets |
We headed to the elementary school where we met with Denise, Claudia, 3 kids and 2 mothers. They were all very open with us and shared many of their life stories and spoke very highly of El Hogar. Denise is El Hogar's Executive Director. She described the impact of El Hogar and how it has changed remarkably over the years. Claudia is El Hogar's long time director of academics, and she spoke of her hopes for El Hogar's future in hopes to keep kids in the highschool years. These young kids told us their dreams after graduating, and their gratitude for the opportunities El Hogar gives them. The mothers explained the positive impact El Hogar has had on their children and how they are involved with the school.
We had el grupo photo around the El Hogar logo at the elementary campus. This spot has been the traditional place for a team photo for 14 years. Traditions carry on!
After lunch, we headed to the Youth for Honduras organization, where we met Dulce, the director. She told us her inspiring story about how she overcame her upbringing as an orphan and how it led her to get involved in helping youth in various ways. She shared deeply emotional stories and was very much an open book for us. This organization partners with El Hogar in helping residential students transition from residential living to independent living after graduation. We learned about the three parts of the organization: the Transition Program, I Exist, and the World Orphan Fund. She spoke of the successes and challenges of all that they do.
We love the van! |
You have all experienced & learned so much as well as making an incredible contribution. Couldn't be prouder!