Today was a scheduled sports activity activity day.
We spent time
observing lessons being taught by qualified Phys Ed instructors at different
locations within the park. The sports included basketball, tennis, pinp pong, Tae Kwon
Do. racquetball. Some of us were participating with the kids
and when Louise was with the tennis group, she met two tennis players from the Honduran team (Number 1 and 2) who had
played last year in the Toronto Pan Ams,
We enjoyed watching our boys participate in several soccer matches with
other schools. It is amazing to watch
these young boys that seem to have been born with impressive soccer skills from a very early age.
It has been a joy to work with some of the kids needing
extra help one on one and they are enjoying the interaction with us. Our days are full and we were tired but content
after a wonderful day that ended as usual with spending more time with them in
No water again tonight which has been off since afternoon. It often happens because the reservoirs are
running low and rainy season with rectify the water shortage. This pictures is of Moises and William who reqeusted that they keep the Canadian flags.
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