Sunday, April 23, 2017
III Gran Carrera
III Gran Carrera

Well organized and with about 1000 runners.
Ros with Junior an d his brother, Jose Angel. These boys came to El Hogar when they were very small and have found an education and family and love here.
Here they come!

There are now 22 senior girls out at the residence at Santa Lucia who attend high school which has grown greatly from the first original 6 girls in 2008. They also did the run today.
Heading back after a grueling morning!
We had some time to recover before lunch and we took that opportunity to do so!
But oh no! Not a good day to not have any water to shower!
The afternoon was free for most of the children and so we enjoyed lots of activities with them - from folding paper airplanes to games and frisbees.
Climbing that tree to get down the stuck paper airplane.
Alan has just received a special drawing from Antoni.
Sarah found fun things for the girls to do, Anna Nicol was very creative with her pope cleaners.
Meanwhile, Ros and Peter sorted all the donations that came from Burlington, Rhode Island and Kansas City. They were divided amongst the four centres and included everything from clothing (consider 221 pairs of socks and 179 bars of soap!), personal hygiene stuff to academic and medical supplies, How generous people have been.
Beautiful rainstorm after supper that cleared the air and refreshed us.
The theme of our evening program together is about the Sustainable development goals and what is happening in Honduras. More specifically, how is El Hogar helping to eradicate poverty. Great discussion and sharing.
"We live in a world that desperately needs to know a world without hunger, peace, love and a world with a God who gives hope. Who better to do this than each of us."
"We live in a world that desperately needs to know a world without hunger, peace, love and a world with a God who gives hope. Who better to do this than each of us."
What an amazing and tiring Sunday you had. I hope you got the water going at some point!!!