This is our last day at the Technical Institute. We can't express enough the welcome and the care we have been given here. Many details have been looked after for our comfort.
We got one last morning in to finish up the painting that completed all we could do without having to get scaffolding up for those high ceilings. And what a view we had out our window as we painted.

Before we left we were invited to the chapel where all the boys and staff awaited us with a wonderful send off. About 5 boys got up to express their thanks for our stay and for teaching them new things like baking cookies and art and games. But thy have taught us much as well and we will not forget their expressions of gratitude and love through their actions and hugs. After this, they gathered around us and one of the boys prayed for us. It was such a touching moment. But that was not to be the end, as they lined up and we got hugs from all 58 boys and the staff! A time to be treasured in our hearts always.
We had time for our team picture - the team of 2017 and we have shared fun and work and stories and are grateful for each one and all that has been contributed together as a team. As a family really.
It was hard to say goodbye and so we just kept taking pictures!
This is Milton who Ros and Rick sponsor and were so pleased to be able to spend so much time with him this week.
On the way home Erika took us along new roads that we hadn't been on before and it was wonderful to see different parts of Tegucigalpa. And along the way being able to see life in the city.
You never know what is in Erika's job description. She seems very comfortable unloading the luggage from atop the van. We appreciate how she looked after us all week.
On our last evening, we were able to share our week's journey with each other and discussed about being God's hands and feet in this place. But mostly how we have received so much in return. We have been privileged to be here,
Way to go Erika!! Love the nap pictures! Beautiful setting. We have always wanted to stay out there.