
This was the start
of the work week and so today the apparel was work clothes,
sunscreen and hats. The kids were already gone to class and cleaned
up in the dining room by the time we got to breakfast at 7:30. Our
job this week is to put together raised garden beds with the idea of
planting those things needed for the kitchen – vegetables and
herbs. Some of the work had been started and so the team (i.e. Rick)
was able to put together the plan and ideas Erika gave us to make it
work for a team project. We cut lumber, dug post holes and worked the
ground preparing for the soil which is to arrive from the farm
tomorrow (maybe) and even got one of the other gardens cleaned up. It will
be good to have the rains come to invigorate the gardens. There
will be a fence go around the new raised garden, so those post holes
had to be dug and with such hard ground, it was not an easy task! Some of us learned how to use a pick axe for the first time and how to measures 8 ft board with a 6 ft tape, etc. Some required two supervisors to make sure the job got done right! The work area is right behind the volunteer house and so close to the
coffee pot and the snacks!
Meanwhile life was
going on around us. Workmen coming and going. Supplies arriving,
the eggs and chickens from the farm, the children moving to and from
their classes. One of the classrooms is close by the casa de
voluntario and we could hear the sounds of the children answering the
questions of the teacher, or their laughter in the class and it was
all wonderful to hear.
Nan and Bob got their picture taken with Dr Nora, the resident dentist. Donations of many dental supplies (toothbrushes, etc) came from their generous dentist.
We got as much done
in the afternoon as we could and then had lots of time to plan our crafts
for the evening. The auditorium where we usually do our crafts is
now out of bounds as it is used as the music room, so we had to find
spots all around the campus to make the thumbprint animals or the artistic banner or the paper bag
puppets, by far the favourite craft of the night. We were spread out all over the place, but it worked out fine.
I am not sure who enjoyed the paper bag puppets the most!
One sweet little girl just wanted to be off by herself playing with the dolls and was very happy.
We are not sure if this little guy got the laundry mixed up and got the tall guy's pants by mistake!
Another work day tomorrow. The nights are cool and perfect for sleeping.
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