Tuesday 27 February 2018

Tuesday – Day 5

On our second day working, we finished our 18 post holes and got half of the posts for the fence concreted in place, but not before a hearty and typical Honduran breakfast of eggs bean, plantain and tortillas!  

Don Adrien, the senior maintenance person, showed us how to hand dig those holes.

and Junior, who was sponsored by a parishioner before he graduated 2 years ago, helped mix the concrete and run the wheel barrow to the posts. Junior is an excellent example of the fine young people that have graduated. He is continuing his education with university plans while working at El Hogar to support himself. He is doing well in school, is an accomplished soccer player and musician,
and has such a pleasant personality.

Another highlight was sitting in on a talk director Claudia had with all the children under a tree in front of the dining hall. She asked some of us to be part of the talk as she asked them about their dreams for the future. She got quite a list, from president of the country, to a fireman, pastor, policeman, doctor, soldier, and teacher. She encouraged them to work hard to achieve their dreams and asked about what the habits would be for these successful people. Did they work hard in school, learn to treat other people with respect, even eat with a knife and fork and not with their hands? The children were amazingly responsive, listened carefully, and there was a line of kids coming up to her for a hug afterwards. We realize this is so much more than a school.

Another evening of crafts and games with the children ended the day.

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