.....and for us to let them know how thankful that WE are for them and all we have learned this week, for their love and respect and hospitality to us. That they have a wonderful opportunity in this school to make a difference in their lives, in their family's and in Honduras to be leaders. Here, through Enrique, Dave is telling them just that!

We try to capture all that is said and observed- in our hearts and on our cameras!

We hear an emotional and powerful speech from Lazaro who believes that the only way that this place could grow and change as it has over 40 years, is by God's hands through the teams that have come and by all the supporters who have been part of this project in Honduras in the past and those who have yet to learn about the work here in the future. It is our task, to tell the people who ask, why we go to Honduras and about the work that is being done here. It was an emotional speech both for him and for us to absorb. He has been with this organization since its beginning and he is the one who has seen the changes and helped with the growth as well as teachers and staff that are truly dedicated to these children.

Back in town at the primary centre, we had a little time before departure to the airport, to catch Profe Heyser teaching the children Honduran folk dancing. The kids are enthusiastic, catching his enthusiasm and love for this art. In past years, he has let them to win competitions for their school. There was as suggestion from one of us to him that perhaps in future trips he'd teach us some folkdancing! He thought that a good idea. Dancing is part of their cultural wealth both for the country and this school. Each dance tells a story and has a meaning. It was fun to watch the kids in this activity.

Off to the airport, taking with us one of the students who gets the job of being on the roof to unload the van of our luggage. It is safe to say that we are happy that we don't have as many heavy bags as we head home.

We leave behind many busy hours and full days as we worked and learned and got to know the boys. We take with us the memories of a memorable week and the resolve to tell the story of El Hogar to others. We learned about a number of very positive programs going on in the country. We are encouraged by all the positive effects that these programs have in so many areas. We are inspired. While each of us came with a servant heart, we felt we were in partnership and a relationship with the El Hogar programs to help where we can. We all agreed that we gained alot more than we gave. We saw true humility lived out in the people we met this week. They shared with us their hospitality and acceptance. We have been so blessed by this trip.