Our two official days for work projects are over and today is our learning and education day. A very full day of discovering some of the very positive programs that are happening here. We were in the van with Danilo, one of the El Hogar drivers by 0800 to take us to Tegucigalpa and to El Hogar. We were met by the Executive Director, Matt Engleby, and also Tim Munroe who is the Director from the Boston office and down for a visit, so there was lots of good conversation and discussion about the dreams and changes that are taking place in the schools. We also had some time with Claudia, the director of the school and she too gave us her enthusiastic report on the new happenings at the school. In the new extensions of Honduran obligatory education to Grade 9, our El Hogar schools are working towards grade 12, but have started by offering up to Grade 11 so far. The other big change is the addition of day students. Last year there were 4 day students and this year there are 77. They come from various neighbourhoods, including the biggest area called La Betania where the bus picks up 50 kids on our school bus each morning. A former teacher's brother, Delmer, is a dynamic, charismatic, enthusiastic community worker in that neighbourhhod and has made great strides in trying to improve the quality of life in this community.
Here Tim from our Boston office and Erika enjoy conversation with him.

The neighbourhood sends about 50 kids to El Hogar. We visited three of the moms in their homes whose children are now part of El Hogar and who all commented how their children's' lives have changed academically. We visited their homes and in one of them, as we all went inside, we totally filled the room and here is where the mom lives with her two children. And in the next two homes, we felt that while they were simple homes that they had the support of their community and all pleased that their children have a new outlook on their schooling.
We visited the dental suite as well to chat with Doctora Nora who is the resident dentist and glad to receive our toothpaste and toothbrushes.
Lunch was at El Hogar and we couldn't get into the dining room until the children had finished their lunch, for our usual volunteer dining section is now being used for a Grade 1 class!
The afternoon was spent at the Ciudad Mujer Centre where we viewed as an absolutely amazing model of a centre for women that exists to improve the living conditions of Honduran women, by facilitating services that meet their basic needs and strategic interests. There are
6 different services for women under one roof in this two year old building which have clinics to empower women through their programs of.Sexual and Reproductive Health, Domestic Violence, Economic Autonomy, Job assistance and also supplies Child Care.
We all commented that we have certainly not seen a facility like this at home and we were certainly impressed. It was also meant a time to spend with Claudia and appreciated that she had taken the afternoon from her busy schedule to take us there. Of course it meant that it was a drive through the city to view city life while we all love to do.

Our evening activities were fun again with the boys, though there were less tonight as many of the boys are trying out for a volleyball team with a tournament coming up soon.

Ros also had baking night with the boys, who loved making cookies for us all!
Rod enjoying a little futbol with the boys.